Recipes for coconut water hangover cures are important to know. You can't afford to be "hungover" and let a night on the town be an excuse to ruin your next day. There's money to be made, right? Get off your butt!!! It's possible to have fun partying and not be punished for it the whole next day.
Hangover prevention is the key to waking up feeling "better" and the recipes below are just what you need to cure that hangover in the morning. Drinking the water from coconuts before you go to bed, will make you feel better, faster, after any drinking session.
Even after most grueling of drinking sessions, it'll help rehydrate your body during your sleep and make you feel better in the morning. It's better than water and will help relieve you of hangover ailments, naturally, instead of cutting the pain off with a pill.
It replenishes and restores the balance of your electrolytes, making it easier for your body to rehydrate, making you feel better. Headaches, soreness and stomach pains are all ailments that can be relieved by coconut water, 100% naturally.
Here are some recipes that'll help cure your hangover.
Hangover Cure #1: Water from Coconuts with Green Tea
If you have a really bad hangover, drinking slowly is better for your stomach so you don't upset it any further. Hot liquids are a perfect way to drink slowly, because it hurts too badly if you drink fast (genius!).
Just brew green tea in some piping hot coconut water and you've got all the rehydrating properties of coco water to go with a green tea caffeine kick.
Hangover Cure #2: Water from Coconuts with Coffee
Brew your favorite coffee, using the coco water!
Hangover Cure #3: Coconut Water Shaved Ice
This hangover cure is also for a really bad hangover. In fact, this is for what I refer to as "the deathbed hangover." During these unfortunate times, any amount of liquid makes the stomach churn and brings on the nausea. It's very important to rehydrate your body at this point because you will only continue to dehydrate and feel worse.
When your stomach can't hold down any liquid, you need ice, because it melts slowly. The liquid makes it to your stomach slowly, causing less irritation, helping your stomach keep it down. It's also a better alternative than water because it contains essential electrolytes that your body needs to rehydrate.
You do need to have a shaved ice machine to this. If you don't have one, buy one on-line to find the best deals. Then, freeze some blocks of coco water to shave up for the morning after that next big rager and get a jumpstart on your next day.
If you don't have a shaved ice machine, a similar strategy would be to freeze cubes of coco water and crush them up, so you could suck on the crushed ice.
Coconut water has a mild sweetness, so it's best not to dress the shaved ice with anything for those severe hangovers, as they'll probably upset your stomach. If you think your stomach is okay, try using fruits that are low in acid like bananas, blueberries, peaches, nectarines and strawberries for toppings.
If you have little children, coconut water shaved ice is also a healthy, refreshing treat that the kids love!
Hangover Cure #4: Coco Water Breakfast Shake
These breakfast shakes are great for the mild hangover and a healthy option to add to your everyday diet. For a hangover, you're gonna want to use about 2 cups of coconut water, one full banana, a half cup of frozen strawberries or any fruit that is low in acid, 2 tablespoons of all natural, unsalted peanut butter, and one-third of a cup, of raw oatmeal. Put them in the blender for about 30 seconds and you're on the way to feeling better.
For the non-hangover breakfast shake, use a little bit less coco water, only half a banana, a full cup of whatever frozen fruit you choose, and add a splash of orange juice.
These are also great for the kids!
Hangover Cure #5: 100% Natural Coconut Water, All by Itself
Step 1: Drink 8 ounces of chilled coco water before you go to bed, the night of drinking, to help your body start replacing lost electrolytes.
Step 2: Drink 8 ounces of chilled coconut water when you wake up in the morning. You'll be surprised at how good you feel (at whatever time you wake up), when you drink it before you go to bed.
Hopefully you found these coconut water recipes for hangover cures useful. It really works, so do yourself a favor and give it a try. It's called the "fluid of life" for good reason.
[] highlights several other benefits of coconut water.
Vita Coco is one of the favorite coconut water companies in the world and has a variety of great coconut water flavors. For Vita Coco flavor reviews and coconut water breakfast shake recipes, check out, [] There's also safe Amazon links for great coconut water deals.
Article Source:,-Coffee,-Shaved-Ice-and-Shakes&id=5242296
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