Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Health Drinks On The Rise

Health drinks come in all shapes and sizes. Over the years the label on our food and drink products has always been there but not always filled out with what we need to know. The FDA has done a nice job in developing rules on labeling consumer products to allow for comparison and make sure that what is in the product won't cause harm to the buyer. Science through research and development funding has uncovered many new finds when it comes to our health and nutrition related to food and drinks. However, when we are talking food and drinks we are not as regulated as say the pharmaceutical industry and some say we need to rethink our position on this. Over the past twenty years we have seen many new supplements enter the market. From Herbalife(TM) to Mona Vie International(TM) we have an abundance of choices to make that are not FDA certified as they are not in a class of products required to be certified. Whether this is right or wrong is not the purpose of this article but we need to start paying closer attention to these products and integrate our choices with our overall life decisions when it comes to food and prescribed medications. The combinations can be lethal if you mix the wrong combinations at the wrong time depending on your situation. However, on a positive note we are starting to see great progress with all natural supplements in the fight against inflammation. As more and more studies take shape and gather scientific proof we could very well be heading in a direction whereby nature provides many of the essential nutritional products to aide in the relief of many chronic diseases and ultimately perhaps cures.

Health drinks also offer flexibility. They are portable by design and can be in powder or liquid formulations. Companies are taking more consumer appreciation by providing more and more labeling information right on the packaging. This has evolved very swiftly over the past 10 years and shows signs of maturing in a very positive direction from a consumer and government perspective. Again, health drinks do not fall into the category of close FDA requirements as noted above. If more manufacturers practice deeper and wider disclosure we will all have shelf visibility at time of purchase that we can compare for quality and price let alone make sure that the ingredients won't mix harmfully with our current medications prescribed. As always, you should consult your personal physician before adding any new food or drinks as supplements.

The explosive growth and new findings by companies such as Mona Vie International(TM) show us that natures own products when combined (19 fruits in this case lead by the acai berry) can offer a very healthy and antioxidant rich formulation for a healthy alternative for our diets. The FDA recommends we eat five servings a day from the food and vegetable groups. Studies conducted show that we (in the US) are nowhere near this recommendation on a daily basis. Why is that? First of all cost. Food prices, like everything else are escalating. If you were to consume 5 servings a day every day you could be staring at $5-10/day in added expenses depending on organic versus non-organic supplied products. Multiply this by the average family of 4 and you have a whole new budget category. So, health drinks like the acai berry from MonaVie(TM) shows a promising alternative as it accomplishes in 2 ounces a day (one ounce in the morning and one again in the late afternoon) the FDA daily recommendation and at a cost of about $2.50-$3.50/day. So, not only are you achieving the FDA's daily targets but you are also saving your precious budgetary spend to the tune of $2-7/day or $10-28/week!
Look for market share leaders such as Coca Cola(TM), Pepsi(TM), etc to enter the market with more and more health juice supplemental offerings. The day of the soft drink is clearly challenged as the nation shifts to a more healthy approach and better overall lifestyle. Competition on the shelf will mount and thus provide more alternatives to the consumer and thus more choices. This will only benefit early phase companies such as MonaVie(TM) as the positive impact to all this exposure will break down those barriers on the consumer side from trying alternatives to a better health alternative!

Irene has been servicing the Health and Wellness industry since graduating from Cal State Fullerton in 1982. Through her professional experiences in primarily the Physical Therapy field (presently working) she has gathered deep understandings on nutrition, exercise and overall healthy programs to share with her readers and clients of Planet Berry LLC. To learn more on Irene or Planet Berry please visit their corporate web site at or email at

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